Plays a video file from a stream using DirectShow and DSPack in Delphi
Basic example of how to play video from a stream, no controls, no nothing. More in the next version IF people will ask for it.
Contains my async components derived from some dspack example (can't remember exactly which one. maybe I'll look it up some day)
Has a command line build procedure implemented (off topic, but I might use this as a reference :) )
create a directory (eg "test")
unzip the dspack archive into "test\DSPack"
unzip the contents of this archive into "test"
put a test.mpg file in "the merger" directory
modify the delphi.version file to contain the corect number for your delphi version (5,6 or 7 currently supported by dspack)
[optional] copy the version incrementor tool from, tools section, programming subsection into "testVersion Incrementor"
set up your environment so that the delphi "bin" directory is on the path
start a command shell
change directory to "test"
type "make" without the quotes
in the "player" directory you will have a "player.exe" with the merged sample "test.mpg"
Source - player with stream filters
Source - player only
Sample video (1.1 MB) Please: only download this if you REALLY don't have any video at hand and don't know how to download one. My Internet connection is REALLY bad and you might kill the server for a few minutes until you download it. Thank you.