Small disclaimer, copyright issues and other stuff like that

Current server time is: Saturday, 21-Dec-2024 14:28:55 EET
Document last modified: Saturday, 13-Jun-2009 02:15:51 EEST
Total number of hits since August 14, 2005: 2550
I'll be short:

Disclaimer part:

- you are using this server and it's resources on you own risk
- I cannot be held responsible for anything that happend to you or someone you know because you used/abused/misused information/resources from this server
- if you don't like my rules, then I strongly recomend you leave this server and find something better
- everything that happens to you/your computer/house/your other possesions/other people you know while or because you use this server is solely your own fault :)

Copyright part:

- unless otherwise stated, everything on this server is my own creation
- unless otherwise stated, use/copy/distribution of anything that is on this server will be done with the addition/preservation of the url and author (me, aka Ciuly) in a document that will acompany the resource (I will try to add such information to each archive/file my own, but I migt miss some. That doesn't mean that those files are not under this copyright notice)
- you are free to copy/modify/redistribute any resource on this server with the conditions above

I will try to put something more "normal" on this page. I just wrote this content, just to be safe :)

Privacy policy can be read here

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