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Small Charms

Name Required Level Attributes
Viridian Small Charm 10 Poison Resist +7%
Lapis Small Charm 10 Cold Resist +7%
Ocher Small Charm of Dexterity 10 +1 to dexterity
lightning resist +7%
Lapis Small Charm of Greed 15 cold resist +6%
8% extra gold from monsters
Small Charm of Life 14 +9 to life
Small Charm of Flame 8 adds 1-2 fire damage
Small Charm of Venom 15 +15 poison damage over 4 seconds
Small Charm of Frost 10 Adds 1-2 cold damage

Large Charms

Name Required Level Attributes
Large Charm of Strength 13 +5 to strength
Coral Large Charm of Greed 18 lightning resist +12%
10% extra gold from monsters
Ruby Large Charm of Balance 27 8% faster hit recovery
Fire reists +14%
Bronze Large Charm 6 +8 to attack rating
Bronze Large Charm of Inertia 18 5% faster run/walk
+4 to attack rating
Large Charm of Dexterity 2 +3 to dexterity

Grand Charms

Name Required Level Attributes
Steel Grand Charm 35 +104 to attack rating
Tangerin Grand Charm of Thunder 11 adds 1-21 lighning damage
lighning resist 12%