Current server time is: Friday, 24-Jan-2025 11:41:26 EET
Document last modified: Saturday, 13-Jun-2009 02:15:51 EEST

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See my policy before reading this.

My EE account was suspended on 23.01.2009 So my activity on has gotten to a full stop as of that date. Only time will tell who looses, but I think it will be their loss.

I have a very strict policy regarding people that I help. Basically, if you do not take the time to help us solve YOUR problem or to grade and/or accept correct answers, you have a very big chance of getting on my blacklist. This means that I will no longer help you. Ever. The backlist is maintained using an EE filter so I don't even know that you posted a question. Other experts might use a similar blacklisting system as I do. The idea is, if you get blacklisted by too many experts, you will most likely get to have your questions unanswered. From what I know at the time of this writing, I am the only expert in the delphi area uing a blacklist. But at least 3 experts has shown interest from what I know. And there could be more. So what I do is inform the asker that he got blacklisted and(EE admins expressly forbid me to notifying askers. Too bad for the askers.) I unsubscribe from the question and of course I blacklist you. No, I am not interested in what "explanations" you have to give.

Please be advised that once you asked your question, you are agreing that we experts deserve an A grade for answering your question. We will do our best to achieve this. Do read the grading tips, FAQ and help. DO NOT assume that you know how experts exchange is working. I already have (at the time of this writing) (44) 54 askers on my blacklist. You can see all of them on the Hall Of Shame
If you decide that no answer deserves an A grade, based on grading tips, help, faq and common sense, do not forget to specify WHY you decided to give a B or C grade. Don't imagine that you give us points. The points simply characterize the question. The grade characterizes the answer. Once you get to grading, points do not matter anymore. I have one person blacklisted because they figured that having originally a question with 200 points, then increasing to 300 points and grading with a B grade still gives us more points. Sure, an A grade with 200 points equals 800 expert points, where a B grade with 300 points equals 900 expert points which is bigger than 800. we don't care about that. Well, most of us don't. We treat 50 point questions the same as 500 point questions.
You want good treatment? So do we. You give me bad treatment? So will I.

update (for other experts):
You can read more about the specific "implementation" of the blacklisting option I use on my site, more specifically here (explains how to blacklist, and presents 2 greasemonkey scripts to aid in the process)

Also, visit the hall of shame, the list of askers that are currently blacklisted.
You can find more about this blacklist share program by going here.

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