Current server time is: Saturday, 21-Dec-2024 16:30:20 EET
Document last modified: Saturday, 13-Jun-2009 02:15:51 EEST
Total number of hits since August 18, 2008: 702
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I've made this little tool to aid me in my development. So it's raw.
However, here are a few pointers on how to use:
- first step is to paste any directories you might have in your IDE library path and then in your projects search path. Order is important.
- then, open a project (delphi, or lazarus) nad the analysis is done automatically
Now, what you can do is see what unit uses what unit (in the treeview)
In the listbox next to teh treeview you can see exactly which units are loaded and in what order. This is helpfull when you get lost in the circles of unit usage.
Next thing, and the most important, you can click on any unit in the treeview and in the listbox and you'll get the initialization section of it below. If there is one.
The last memo contains some debug lines, which is helpfull to see why a partiucular unit which you expect to be found, is not found.


  1. Direct download Installer (exe, 628 KB)


For forum discussion and support click here.


  1. 18.08.2008 : initial release


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