Current server time is: Sunday, 22-Dec-2024 10:32:41 EET
Document last modified: Saturday, 13-Jun-2009 02:15:51 EEST

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This is a little corner dedicated to my activity on I will call it short EE from now on.

My EE account was suspended on 23.01.2009 So my activity on has gotten to a full stop as of that date. Only time will tell who looses, but I think it will be their loss.

This corner, just as all the others, will evolve slowly and will not look too good. Aesthetically speaking. But it's more important the content then how it is presented. So let's get to the content.
There will be a section dedicated to my achievments. Mainly what I won on EE: T-Shirts and a coffee mug. Stuff like that. I still need to make pictures of them :)
Then, there is my EE policy which contains the more important blacklisting scheme I am running for some time. My protest towards EE improperly "teaching" the new members about the site, which leads to other problems. Teaching is improperly said sicne they don't do it at all. But more, on that page.
There are a few greasemonkey scripts for opera and firefox (only tested on opera) that aid me in automating some of the operations I do on EE. They can be found on my dedicated greasemonkey page.
If you plan on joining my blacklisting "protest", you will surely want to check out the dedicated experts blacklisting page. You can register and have your blacklisted expert shared with others.
And more stuff as things evolve.

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